О журнале
Актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики
Научный журнал
ISSN 2079-6021(Print)
ISBN 2619-029X(Online)

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О журнале

Ченки, Алан Джозеф

PhD (Филология), профессор, профессор кафедры литературы и коммуникации лингвистики Московского государственного университета (Москва, Российская Федерация); профессор и заведующий когнитивной лабораторией полимодальной коммуникации,Свободный университет (Амстердам, Нидерланды).


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2951-9722.

Scopus Author ID: 8551662100.

Russian Index of Citation Author ID: 754149.

Контактная информация:

E-mail: a.cienki@vu.nl.


«Spatial cognition and the semantics of prepositions in English, Polish, and Russian» (1988, PhD, Филология, Брауновский университет (Провиденс, США).

Членство в редколлегиях журналов:

«Cognitive Semantics» (Scopus);

«Gesture» (Scopus);

«Language, Mind, Culture and Society» (Scopus);

«Languages and Modalities»;

«Lodz Papers in Pragmatics» (Scopus);

«Metaphor and Symbol» (Scopus);

«Review of Cognitive Linguistics»(Scopus).

Научные интересы: 

когнитивная лингвистика; семантика и концептология; язык жестов; мультимодальная коммуникация; грамматика разговорной речи; метафоры; сравнительное и сопоставительное языкознание.

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=8551662100.

Личная страница: https://research.vu.nl/en/persons/alan-cienki.

Основные публикации


  1. Cienki, A. & O. Iriskhanova (eds.). 2018. Aspectuality across Languages: Event Construal in Speech and Gesture. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  2. Cienki, A. 2017. Ten Lectures on Spoken Language and Gesture from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics: Issues of Dynamicity and Multimodality. Leiden: Briill.

  3. Müller, C., A. Cienki, et al. (eds.). 2013, 2014. Body – Language – Communication: An International Handbook on Multimodality in Human Interaction. Volumes 1 & 2. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.

  4. Cienki, A. & C. Müller (eds.). 2008. Metaphor and Gesture. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

  5. Cienki, A., B. Luka, & M. Smith (eds.). 2001. Conceptual and Discourse Factors in Linguistic Structure. Stanford, CA: Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI).

Избранные публикации:

  1. Cienki, A. 2020. A multimodal perspective on MCA: Cues of (possible) metacommunicative awareness. In Di Biase-Dyson, C. & M. Egg (eds.), Drawing attention to metaphor: Case studies across time periods, cultures and modalities. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 63–92.

  2. Avelar, M. & A. Cienki. 2020. Metaphors we live by in Brazil: Anthropophagic notes on classic and contemporary approaches to metaphor in the Brazilian scientific-academic context. Revista de Estudos da Linguagem 28(2): 667–688.
  3. Cienki, A. & O. K. Iriskhanova. 2020. Patterns of multimodal behavior under cognitive load: An analysis of simultaneous interpretation from L2 to L1. Voprosy Kognitivnoj Lingvistiki 1: 5–11.
  4. Cienki. A. 2019. Gestures and grammatical constructions. In T. V. Romanova (ed.), Integrative processes in cognitive linguistics. Nizhnij Novgorod: DEKOM Publishing House, 120–125.

  5. Wu. S. & A. Cienki. 2019. Transitivity, events, and gesture: The case of the causative-inchoative alternation. Open Linguistics 5: 311–331.

  6. Cienki, A., M. Avelar, S. O. Donlon, C. Vilela, & V. Pacheco. 2019. Spatial deixis in speech and gesture in Brazilian Portuguese: An experimental pilot-study. Signo 44(72): 135–143.
    Iriskhanova, O. & A. Cienki. 2018. The semiotics of gestures in cognitive linguistics: Contribution and challenges. Voprosy Kognitivnoy Lingvistiki 4: 25–36. DOI: 10.20916/1812-3228-2018-4-25-36
  7. Cienki, A. 2017. Utterance Construction Grammar (UCxG) and the variable multimodality of constructions. Linguistics Vanguard 3(s1) DOI 10.1515/lingvan-2016-0048.

  8. Cienki, A. 2017. Analysing metaphor in gesture: A set of metaphor identification guidelines for gesture (MIG-G). In E. Semino & Z. Demjén (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Metaphor and Language. London: Routledge, 131–147.

  9. Cienki, A. 2017. Gesture and pragmatics: From paralinguistic to variably linguistic. In A. Barron, G. Steen & Y. Gu (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics. London: Routledge, 61–68.

  10. Kok, K. & A. Cienki. 2017. Taking simulation semantics out of the laboratory: Towards an interactive and multimodal reappraisal of embodied language comprehension. Language and Cognition 9: 1–23.

  11. Cienki, A. 2016. Cognitive linguistics, gesture studies, and multimodal communication. Cognitive Linguistics 27(4): 603–618.

  12. Boutet, D., A. Morgenstern & A. Cienki. 2016. Grammatical aspect and gesture in French: A kinesiological approach. Russian Journal of Linguistics/Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby narodov 20(6): 132–151.

  13. Kok, K. & A. Cienki. 2016. Cognitive Grammar and gesture: Points of convergence, advances and challenges. Cognitive Linguistics 27(1): 67–100.

  14. Kok, K., K. Bergmann, A. Cienki & S. Kopp. 2016. Mapping out the multifunctionality of speakers' gestures. Gesture 15(1): 37–59.

  15. Cienki, A. 2015. Insights into coordination, collaboration, and cooperation from the behavioral and cognitive sciences: A commentary. Interaction Studies 16(3): 553–560.

  16. Cienki, A. 2015. Repetitions in view of talk as variably multimodal. Vestnik of Moscow State Linguistic University 6 (717): 625–634.

  17. Cienki. A. 2015. Spoken language usage events. Language and Cognition 7: 499–514.

  18. Ченки, A. 2015. Понятие динамического диапазона коммуникативных действий в теории когнитивной лингвистики. Ред. А. А. Кибрик et al. Язык и мысль: Современная когнитивная лингвистика. Москва: Языки славянской культуты, 560–573.
    [Cienki, A. 2015. The notion of the dynamic scope of relevant behaviors in cognitive linguistic theory. In A. A. Kibrik et al. (eds.), Language and Thought: Contemporary Cognitive Linguistics. Moscow: Languages of Slavic Culture, 560–573.]

  19. Cienki, A., L. Bietti & K. Kok. 2014. Multimodal alignment during collaborative remembering. Memory Studies 7(2): 354–369.

  20. Cienki, A. & G. Giansante. 2014. Conversational framing in televised political discourse: A comparison from the 2008 elections in the United States and Italy. Journal of Language and Politics 13(2): 255–288.

  21. Ченки, А. 2014. Грамматические теории в когнитивной лингвистике и полимодальность коммуницации. Ред. О. В. Федорова и А. А. Кибрик. Мультимодальная коммуникация: Теоретические и эмпирические исследования. Москва: Вуки Веди, 86–98.
    [Cienki, A. 2014. Grammatical theories in cognitive linguistics and the multimodality of communication. In O. V. Fedorova & A. A. Kibrik (eds.), Multimodal Communication: Theoretical and Empirical Research. Moscow: Buki Vedi, 86–98.]

  22. Cienki, A. 2013. Bringing concepts from cognitive linguistics into the analysis of policies and the political. Journal of International Relations and Development 16: 294–310.

  23. Cienki, A. 2013. Conceptual metaphor theory in light of research on gesture with speech. Cognitive Semiotics 5 (1-2): 349–366.

  24. Cienki, A. 2013. Gesture, space, grammar, and cognition. In P. Auer, M. Hilpert, A. Stukenbrock & B. Szmrecsanyi (eds.), Space in Language and Linguistics: Geographical, Interactional, and Cognitive Perspectives. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 667–686.

  25. Cienki, A. 2013. Image schemas and mimetic schemas in cognitive linguistics and gesture studies. Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 11 (2): 417–432. Republished in M. Pinar Sanz (ed.), 2015, Multimodality and Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 195–209.

  26. Cienki, A. & I. Mittelberg. 2013. Creativity in the forms and functions of spontaneous gesture with speech. In T. Veale, K. Feyaerts, & C. Forceville (eds.), The Agile Mind: A Multi-Disciplinary Study of a Multi-Faceted Phenomenon. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 231–252.

  27. Debras, C. & A. Cienki. 2012. Some uses of head tilts and shoulder shrugs during human interaction, and their relation to stancetaking. Proceedings of the ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, 932–937.

  28. Cienki, A. 2012. Usage events of spoken language and the symbolic units we (may) abstract from them. In J. Badio & K. Kosecki (eds.), Cognitive Processes in Language. Bern: Peter Lang, 149–158.

  29. Cornelissen, J., J. Clarke, & A. Cienki. 2012. Sensegiving in entrepreneurial contexts: The use of metaphors in speech and gesture to gain and sustain support for novel business ventures. International Small Business Journal 30: 213–241.

  30. Cienki, A. 2010. Multimodal metaphor analysis. In L. Cameron & R. Maslen (eds.), Metaphor Analysis: Research Practice in Applied Linguistics, Social Sciences and the Humanities. London: Equinox, 195–214.

  31. Cienki, A., & C. Müller. 2008. Metaphor, gesture, and thought. In R. W. Gibbs, Jr., (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 483–502.

  32. Cienki, A. 2008. Why study metaphor and gesture? In A. Cienki & C. Müller (eds.), Metaphor and Gesture. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 5–25.

  33. Cienki, A. 2007. Frames, idealized cognitive models, domains. In D. Geeraerts & H. Cuyckens (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 170–187.

  34. Pragglejaz Group. 2007. MIP: A method for identifying metaphorically used words in discourse. Metaphor and Symbol 22: 1–39.

  35. Cienki, A. 2005. Gesture and the question of literal versus non-literal reference. In S. Coulson and B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (eds.), The Literal and Nonliteral in Language and Thought. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 281–298.

  36. Cienki, A. 2005. Image schemas and gesture. In B. Hampe (ed.), From Perception to Meaning: Image Schemas in Cognitive Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 421–442.

  37. Cienki, A. 2005. Metaphor in the “Strict Father” and “Nurturant Parent” cognitive models: Theoretical issues raised in an empirical study. Cognitive Linguistics 16: 279–312.

  38. Cienki, A. 1999. Metaphors and cultural models as profiles and bases. In R. W. Gibbs, Jr. and G. J. Steen (eds.), Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 189–203.

  39. Cienki, A. 1999. The strengths and weaknesses of the left/right polarity in Russian: Diachronic and synchronic semantic analyses. In L. de Stadler and C. Eyrich (eds.), Issues in Cognitive Linguistics: 1993 Proceedings of the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 299–329.

  40. Cienki, A. 1998. Metaphoric gestures and some of their relations to verbal metaphoric expressions. In J.-P. Koenig (ed.), Discourse and Cognition: Bridging the Gap. Stanford, CA: Center for the Study of Language and Information, 189–204.

  41. Cienki, A. 1998. Slavic roots for ‘straight’ and ‘bent’: Experiential gestalts, conceptual metaphors, and cultural models as factors in semantic change. In A. Timberlake (ed.), American Contributions to the Twelfth International Congress of Slavists. Bloomington, IN: Slavica, 298–313.

  42. Cienki, A. 1998. Straight: An image schema and its metaphorical extensions. Cognitive Linguistics 9: 107–149.

  43. Ченки, А. 1997. Семантика в когнитивной лингвистике. Ред. А. А. Кибрик, И. М. Кобозева и И. А. Секерина. Фундаментальные направления совремменой американской лингвистики. Москва: Издательство МГУ, 340-369.
    [Semantics in cognitive linguistics. In A. A. Kibrik, I. M. Kobozeva, & I. A. Sekerina (eds.), Fundamental directions in contemporary American linguistics. Moscow: MSU Press, 340–369.]

  44. Ченки, А. 1996. Современные когнитивные подходы к семантике: сходства и различия в теориях и целях. Вопросы языкознания № 2: 68–78.
    [Contemporary cognitive approaches to semantics: Similarities and differences in theories and goals. Issues in Linguistics (Voprosy Jazykoznanija) yearly issue #2: 68–78.]

  45. Cienki, A. 1995. 19th and 20th century theories of case: A comparison of localist and cognitive approaches. Historiographia Linguistica 22: 123–162.

  46. Cienki, A. 1995. The semantics of possessive and spatial constructions in Russian and Bulgarian: A comparative analysis in Cognitive Grammar. Slavic and East European Journal 39: 73–114.

  47. Cienki, A. 1993. Experiencers, possessors, and overlap Between Russian dative and u + genitive. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society, 76–89.

  48. Cienki, A. 1992. A cognitive semantic approach to Russian and Polish causal constructions. In A. Mackie, T. McAuley, and C. Simmons (eds.), For Henry Kučera: Essays in Slavic Philology and Computational Linguistics. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, 73–93.

  49. Cienki, A. 1987. Selected Polish spatial prepositions and their Russian counterparts in form and meaning. Canadian Slavonic Papers 29: 1–23.

ISSN 2079-6021 (Print)
ISBN 2619-029X (Online)
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