Dynamic frame as a structure for scientific knowledge representation
Current Issues in Philology and Pedagogical Linguistics
Aktualnye problemi filologii i pedagogicheskoi lingvistiki
ISSN 2079-6021(Print)
ISBN 2619-029X(Online)

Dynamic frame as a structure for scientific knowledge representation

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29025/2079–6021-2019-4-12-19

Dynamic frame as a structure for scientific knowledge representation

Klyoster Anna M. / Shnyakina Natalia Ju. /

Abstract: This paper presents the features of the dynamic frame verbalization as one of the ways of ordering scientific knowledge. The scientific discourse or text under study are considered as areas in which the terms are directly included in real professional communication. German language fragments describing the situation of cognition within the framework of a certain professional discourse and defining the specificity of a scientific text as its resulting form are used as the research material. The terms “static” and “dynamic frame” are used to differentiate the knowledge possessed by the subject in the construction of a sentence, and the knowledge fixed by a person in a particular speech act. With the help of frame analysis, the obligatory and conditioned by the situation slots of the dynamic frame objectified in the language are revealed. The relationship between the static and dynamic frame is considered in the aspect of speech-thinking processes. The authors describe the characteristics of filling the slots of the frame-prototype which covers the necessity of defining some concepts and of folding the frame-example reflecting the generalization aspect. The study allows us to make a conclusion about the existence of a categorical grid in human consciousness for organizing scientific information both at the level of consciousness and at the level of the text. This regularity is reached be finding the meaning dominants and defining the main features with their following matching with the categorical net nodes. The presence of repetitive semantic nodes in language fragments indicates the unity of the information processing principles, according to which scientific knowledge acquires a unified form, which contributes to people interaction within the marked categories.

Keywords: dynamic frame, scientific knowledge, frame analysis, frame-prototype, frame- example, categorical net, fragment, categorical node

For citation: Klyoster A.M., Shnyakina N. Ju. Dynamic frame as a structure for scientific knowledge representation. Current Issues in Philology and Pedagogical Linguistics. 2019; 4:12-19 . DOI: 10.29025/2079–6021-2019-4-12-19 (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2079-6021 (Print)
ISBN 2619-029X (Online)